Tuesday, November 1, 2016



Aletheia (al-ay-thi-ah):
God requires that people worship Him in spirit and in truth. Worship must be real,sincere and transparent. God doesn't want people to play religious and try to put on a "spiritual act" in front of him. The word aletheia is derived from negative, a, and lanthano, "to be hidden," "to escape notice," (Compare latent," "lethargy," "lethal.") aletheia is the opposite of fictitious, feigned, or false. It denotes veracity, reality, sincerity, accuracy, integrity, truthfulness, dependability, and propriety. 
The expression "Christianity is truth and not a religion," means that Christianity is not a man-made religion, but a real relationship with a real God. In a world that truth is relative and changes based on one's subjective experience, the Scripture is unique, because it declares that there is ultimate truth. Truth does not exist apart from the Person of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth.

To call upon the Lord is an act of worship.  
True worship of God is never dead legalism. True worship of God is living and pure worship produced by Holy Spirit of God. When we allow Holy Spirit of God to fill our lives to overflowing, the natural result is pure and holy worship of God. True worship is praising and worshipping God in the fullness of His Spirit and enjoying His living presence. True worship releases the worshipper and sets him on a higher plane of possibility and purpose for life.

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