Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Key's 2 Unlock Daily Occurances/Know God O Get To Know God

Daily Inspirational Encouragement

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.
I Timothy 1 NKJV

Thank You Jesus for saving me.For making me a new person.For creating in me a new heart.
A heart that >
Can Love,because You first loved me.
Can Forgive, because You forgave me.

Thank you for the privilege to be able to be called "a child of the most high God."
Are you?or do you consider yourself as a member of a certain Church? Cult? Religion? Know the truth, because it is  the truth that will set you free.

Its God's plan for you to be Saved.You cannot hide yourself from God's plan for you to be saved. you are either saved by faith or by fire.Not by Doctrine's, Dogma's
Be saved today.feel that tugging on you heart.your heart desire after knowing God.

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