Thursday, May 12, 2016

Key's 2 Unlock Daily Occurances/Daily Inspirational Encouragement/Warning vs Exhortation

Thursday,May 12/2016

Warning vs Exhortation

by:Romeo Mannel

We are urged and exhorted, to PURSUE
See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
I Thessalonians 5 [NKJV]
Evil and good are closely knitted to each other.Knitted together?
It's like purl and plain knit together for the completion of a garment.
My wife is busy knitting a few peret's and she have to use these two styles to complete it.Into that is the pattern which gives each garment it's uniqueness.
The closeness is so real that you can render evil for good and visa verse.Where you stand on this,is what your heart is convince about.If possible,as far as it depends on you,....(Romans 12 vs 18)[AMP]

The Old Covenant has a warning attached(knitted) to it.(Leviticus 19 vs 1-18)[AMP]
The New Covenant has an exhortation attached(knitted) to it.(1Thessalonians 5 vs 12-22)[NKJV]
Attached (knitted) to the warning sign is a consequence.
Attached (knitted) to the exhortation sign is a promise.
Evil can be overcome with good.(Psalm 139 vs 21-23)[AMP] 

Good is used to overcome evil and it is not one of the pillars of our salvation.

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