Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Free Dictionary.

12, 2016

the free dictionary 

This Day in History

French National Assembly Adopts Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790)

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy was an act passed during the French Revolution that subordinated the Roman Catholic Church to the state. Under the act, citizens would elect clergymen and the state would pay their wages. When the National Assembly ordered the clergy to take an oath supporting the Civil Constitution, many refused. The resulting schism within the French church caused many Catholics to turn against the Revolution. What effect did the constitution have on monastic orders?

Today's Birthday

Milton Berle (1908)

Berle was an American comedian and the first major US television star. He began acting in vaudeville at age 10 and went on to perform in more than 50 silent films, on radio, and as a nightclub comedian. His great success, however, was as the host of NBC's Texaco Star Theater, which earned him the nickname "Mr. Television." He contributed significantly to the medium's growing popularity, and many are said to have bought TV sets just to watch "Uncle Miltie." How did he get that nickname?

Today's Holiday

Orange Day

Sometimes referred to simply as The Twelfth, this is the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne. In 1668, James II, who was Roman Catholic, was deposed and his throne was given to William of Orange, a Protestant. The Protestants won a decisive victory and formed the Orange Order, committed to maintaining the link with Protestant England. As Irishmen left Ireland and England for the New World, lodges of Orangemen were formed in Canada and the United States, where Orange Day is still observed by Protestant Irish.

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