Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Partner-Ship With God

Partner-Ship with God.

by ~Romeo Mannel~
Now therefore, let the fear of the Lord be upon you; take care and do it, for there  is no iniquity with the Lord our God, no partiality, nor taking of bribes.” II Chronicles 19 [NKJV] 
There are those who believe that religion and business should be kept separate. Some people accept this idea on the basis that the two matters simply do not mix, others become uncomfortable when they consider their business practices in the light of God principles.
God unequivocally should have a place in your business practices and in your social life just as He has in your spiritual life.You cannot eliminate Him from any of these spheres without inflicting damage to yourself.  Your entire life should be ruled by God principles and you should bear witness to your Godliness, regardless of the sphere of life you that you moving in: both in your worship and your activities outside the church.
Integrity is one of the most important qualities in this respect.The surest way to reflect integrity in your interaction is ro to make the living Christ your business partner.Whatever you do scrutinise it through the eyes of Jesus: ask yourself how He would reacted and what He would have done in your circumstances.
Follow the example of Jesus Christ and you will be assured  of a virtuous life that will earn you the respect of everyone you interact with.
Do not be ashamed to acknowledge Jesus as your Lord of your life, or to profess His name under any circumstances.
Do you have a character of an honest man.
Within this we find three No's to be a partner of God,
No Injustice
No Partiality
No Bribery Chronicles.19:7.[NKJV]

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