Wednesday, July 6, 2016

KEY'S 2 UNLOCK DAILY OCCURRENCES-Daily Inspirational Encouragement-Seek Gods Kingdom and Righteousness

by ~Romeo Mannel~

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all 'these things' shall be added to you.
Matthew 6 [NKJV]
The key to having all 'these things' added to you, is to find God's righteousness. 
The key to finding Gods righteousness is to first seek His Kingdom.

When you put something in a safe, you lock the safe,and keep the key safe.When Adam and Eve dissed God by eating from the tree,they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:24
So He drove out man; and placed at the east of the Garden of Eden the Cherubim, and the flame of a sword which turned every way, to keep the way of tree of life.

Jesus says; But:-
There is nothing wrong to seek these things, it's what we need. People loose sight of God when they seek 'these things'.
That's why Jesus encourages us, being His people, But.....

1 Kings 3 vs.13
God has already given it to Solomon,  without him even asking for it. Just walk in My ways, keep My statutes and commandments.
Luke 12 vs.31,33
Seek those things which are above...,where no thief draws near, can't withdraw from your account,can't bomb an ATM, can't hack your account. Remember the Garden of Eden, with the Cherubim, and the flame of a sword. Do not let your treasure be on the earth. Earthly things perishes and rots. What are your hearts, treasures?Seek after the things that are above.

It is imperative that you seek.Seeking is the key.Our ways are not as Gods ways neither are our thoughts as Gods thoughts.For as the heavens is higher than the earth so are Gods ways and thoughts higher than ours. Gods ways and thoughts wont just fall on our laps. We need to seek after it.Evil, unrighteousness, self righteousness is forever before us.God has put the key in our hands to unlock the evil, to unlock the unrighteousness, to unlock the self righteousness,to get to Gods righteousness.
Your seeking must put you in a mood not only of change but also of action,to effect growth in your life and those around you. For it to be an obligation, such as a duty , a requirement, a contract, or promise, that compels one to follow a particular course of action.

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