Monday, June 27, 2016

Key's 2 Unlock Daily Occurrences-Your Daily Free Dictionary Indulgences

Picture Of The Day

Animated Photo

Word of the Day


Definition:(noun) A hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head.
oleracea acephala
Usage:The aristocrats did not enjoy the health benefits of borecole because they considered it a peasant's food.

Idiom of the Day

be potty about (something)

 — To be very excited or enthusiastic (about something). Primarily heard in UK. More...

Article of the Day

Faiyum Mummy Portraits

For the first three centuries CE, the people of Roman Egypt, especially those of the Faiyum region, used hot, pigmented wax to paint portraits of the dead on wooden or plaster-coated panels. Renowned for their naturalism, the detailed funerary masks, which were placed over the faces of Faiyum's ancient mummies, make up the richest body of portraiture to have survived from antiquity. What do some scholars claim the age of the subjects in the portraits says about life expectancy at the time?

Today's Birthday

Emma Goldman (1869)

Goldman was an American anarchist. She became active in the movement after 1889, and her speeches began to attract attention throughout the US. In 1893, she was imprisoned for inciting a riot. She was also imprisoned in 1916 for publicly advocating birth control and again in 1917 for obstructing the draft. She was deported to Russia in 1919 but left in 1921 because of her disagreement with the Bolshevik government. She was permitted to reenter the US for a lecture tour in 1934 on what condition?

Today's Holiday

Tajikistan Day of National Unity

On June 27, 1997, a treaty was signed between Islamic rebels and the Russian-backed Tajikistan government, bringing to an end a five-year-long civil war. The day is remembered as the Day of National Unity. On the Day of National Unity in 2007, the Tajik parliament passed a law granting amnesty to all rebels who had fought against the government, provided they had not committed murder, rape, human or drug trafficking, or terrorism. Some 2,000 prison inmates were released under the new law. The 2007 commemoration also marked the opening of 11 new buildings in the city of Dushanbe.

In the News

Teen Dies from "Brain-Eating Amoeba" Post Church Trip

Referred to as the "brain-eating amoeba," Naegleria fowleri prevails in warm freshwater, hot springs and badly maintained swimming pools. The single-celled organism makes its way into the body of a person through the nose, and can lead to a fatal infection ...

This Day in History

Air France Flight 139 Hijacked (1976)

In 1976, a plane en route from Israel to France was hijacked by members of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and flown to Entebbe, Uganda. The hijackers released 258 non-Israeli passengers and held the rest, demanding that Israel release 53 imprisoned PLO members. In response, Israel transported more than 100 commandos to Uganda. In what is now known as the Entebbe raid, seven hijackers, one soldier, and three hostages were killed and how many hostages were rescued?


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