Saturday, June 4, 2016

Key's 2 Unlock Daily Occurrences-Daily Inspirational Encouragement-Not By The (Works)I Have Done

Have mercy upon me, O God,
According to Your loving kindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
Blot out my transgressions.
Psalms 51 (NKJV)

David came to realise that there is nothing that even he could take for granted.Being king of the Israelites didn't give him the freedom to act irresponsibly.
2 Sam. 12vs1-15
Relate to us how nothing can be hidden from God.What a person does in secret will surely be made known in the open.With David realising that he has been found out,he had to ask for God's forgiveness.
He did it in a way that only he could do it,with all his heart,with all his might.He knew God would forgive him yet he also accepted the fate of his sons death.He fasted and prayed,thinking maybe the Lord will be gracious to him.
2 Sam 12vs22-23
But when he died David stopped fasting and said,"Can I bring him back again?"

Hence David's Prayer of Repentance.
He knew of Gods,
Multitude Tender Mercy,and
Gods Lovingkindness,
Isaiah 43vs25; 44vs22; Acts 3vs19; Col.2vs14
Blot out my Transgressions.
He also knew that whatever he is,whoever he may be,no matter what he has done in the past ,is no guarantee for the forgiveness of his sin.That God is the only one Who can forgive sins.


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