Friday, June 3, 2016

Key's 2 Unlock Daily Occurrences-Daily Inspirational Encouragement-Persecution Produces Blesseings

unknownJune Friday,03/2016



Persecutions Produces Blessings

by~Romeo Mannel~

Romans 12 vs 14:
Bless those who persecute you;bless and do not curse.

When we read about the word or hear the word persecution,we immediately associate it with religion.Because we are so entrench with the differences in religions, and we've been alarmed or it has been prophesied how prosecutions will take place in time to come.This is a reality, it's happening, we hear about every day.but I like to bring your attention to your own context.

In our every day lives we are faced with persecutions from almost anybody. Where we work, at home, in our community, in the organisations we inter-act with, so, practically in all walks of life we encounter persecutions.

Being the persecutor means, to act towards someone contrary to the common good of that person.And you are aware that you doing it, because you want to agitate or aggravate that person.Sometimes the same happens to you.At that instance you feel like cursing or harming that person.Most of the times we do it without even thinking, because it has become such a norm that it just flow out of us.Like it's the only natural thing to do.Like the hand fits perfect in the glove.
Agitation - Curse
Aggravation - Harm
Is it the right thing to do?

Remember that whatever a person do has a reward or a consequence.Things will have to take it's course once it is done.Whatever you sow you will reap,this is a Biblical principle.
Once you have sown something, it grows up with the weed.The weed gets plugged out of the ground a certain time,to stop the process of it's growth.If that don't take place the weed will kill the good seeds growth.

When we bless at a time that we being persecuted, we plug out the weed in our own lives and in the lives of those who we bless.
Bless someone today amidst your persecution.

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