Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Key's 2 unlock daily occurrences-Daily Inspirational Encouragement-How To Find LIFE

June, Wednesday 22/2016
unknownKey's 2 unlock daily occurrences

Daily Inspirational Encouragrement

How To Find LIFE
by ~Romeo Mannel~

He who follows righteousness and mercy Finds life, righteousness, and honor.
Proverbs 21 [NKJV]
Jesus used parables to bring across to us what the Kingdom of God is like.We read of the parables of lost things.

The Salt Has Lost It's Flavour. 

About the salt it is said, he who have ears, let him hear. Salt needs it's flavour to have an effect on what it is used. The importance is that you hear, for the Word of God will never lost it's Worth in the results of your hearing. It is your understanding of the Word that has a baring on how you accept God's truth.

Many times your understanding can be shadowed by preconceived ideas,that stands in the way of you receiving what you searching for. This is when the salt has lost it's Flavour.Gods Word is not of an importance to you at all. So how, is the question. Will the Word of God be seasoned to you to who it has lost it's flavour? Tasteless Salt Is Worthless.Tasteless Word Is Worthless.

That's the reason why the world is rejecting the Word of God. The Church 'which is you and me' not a conformed organisation or an association which want nothing to do with the Word of God , but their own word. 
We, yes we, are the salt of the earth.

In all three of these parables we notice at the beginning how things got lost, first the sheep, then the coin and then the son. These three speaks of the different, important things in our lives.What is most important to us and what matters most to us.It is things that we don't want to loose.We guard it with our lives. because it is of great value.

Once lost we go to ultimate measures to find what is lost. We notice how these people, the farmer, and the woman went into diverse situations and they respectively found the sheep and the coin.The Father of the lost son every day look out for the return of his son.

In all the parables (instances) there was rejoicing and not only just by the, farmer or the woman or the father, but the whole community


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