Friday, May 20, 2016


May,Friday 20/2016
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    Let Christ Remain Central                                                       
                                                                                     Luke 6 vs 6-11
    The story relates to us the seriousness to the Israelites towards the upholding of the Sabbath was.These were learned men in their believes and cultures.At that time there were men who were chosen to preach in the synagogues and Jesus was one of them.There was another person of great stature,who were also allowed to preach in the synagogues,by the name of [...]who was also a Messianic claimant.
Their believes were central in their  lives.

Our verse reads vs.11

They were furious and began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.

It is very easy to allow our values to become jumbled.Whe this happens unimportant things become extremely important and essential matters are treated as trifling.This confusion of priorities happens in all spheres of life,but when it happens on the spiritual leyel the consequences can be disastrous.
Confessions and dogmas are important because they strive to express the deepest feelings of a group of dedicated people.But if these take the place of Christ the result is spiritually catastrophic.Whatever your Christian convictions may be-and there are many-nothing should detract from the sovereignty of Christ in your life.Christ is the centre of your being.He is the inspiration and the strength that enables you to live and act in awareness of His presence.
These spiritual privileges are not your due because of your personal moral or spiritual achievements,but rather because of the grace and mercy of Christ.If His spirit takes possession of your spirit you experience a sense of unity with Him,you will be spiritually connected and advance growth will be evident.When Christ's life fills your entire being,all disparaging and disobedient characteristics are eliminated from your personality and replaced by a constructive attitude towards life and a desire for God's will to be done in your life.

Fill my life with Your Spirit,Lord Jesus,so that there will be no room in my life for bitterness,jealousy and hate.

"Experience through the ages has proved that people are willing to fight to the death and to persecute others mercilessly for the sake of a religion of which they do not understand the credo,while nevertheless following it's instructions meticulously,"

                                    ~Thomas B. Macaulay.~

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