Wednesday, May 4, 2016


                                                      DAILY OCCURANCES

Become Familiar With The God Kind of Peace.

Greetings to my friends

Good evening everybody,or is it morning ,or afternoon,to my great and awesome blog mates and all who takes their time,their precious time,to visit my blog.It certainly is much appreciated,and  takes me out of the uncertainty and the wondering whether if what I'm sharing,is the right things that interest all of you.
Hope every one had a fabulous weekend,here in South Africa we had an extra day added to our weekend which was transformed into a L- o -o-o-n -g weekend[NICE].Also hope you had yours.To all my G+ friends,thanks for G +sing my post's.
I sure have something very special to share with all of you very special people.
This won't take l-o-o-o-n-g.I know there are a few things that all of us would like should take l-o-o-o-n-g-e-r than it usually does.Things like,the l-o-o-o-n-g weekend we had,our money stays l-o-o-o-n-g-e-r in the bank,Life is lived l-o-o-o-n-g-e-r.It took me two and a half days to complete this project,and all because of elements that was beyond my control.This is not an excuse,just saying that it took me too l-o-n-g.



The World Kind of Peace

We know that world is looking for a peace that can hold.Peace treaties are signed and broken.It cost a simple act of disagreement to the said agreement for peace to be broken.we have heard how fragile peace can be.When peace is broken,war is the ultimate result.
Even between gangs in township,there is a continual war for territory,to be able to recruit new members and to sell drugs,and to carry out criminal acts.
Peace brokered by a third party,either by the police,NGO's,(Non Governmental Organisation's)or even the church broker peace,especially when the lives of innocent people,like woman and children,are at risk.We have seen how Countries and Nations have been destroyed by war torn areas.There is no peace.In 2015 we've witness an influx of refugees all over the world,because,there is no peace.There is power in peace or peace is controlled by negative influences and elements and it becomes very fragile.Embedded in that lies the force of foolishness.That's why there is definitely the possibility for peace to be broken.

Is there something like a l-o-n-g lasting peace?
Where do one find such a peace?

Our Personal Kind of Peace

How can a fool hold his peace and not break it?This must then be a different type peace and it is found in this world.
We read that foolishness is related with a broken peace.
That wisdom is related to a peace that is held.
It states that,"when he holds his peace."If peace is something that you can hold onto to get you safe on the ground or to the other side then it is within you to be able to hold your peace.You also have the choice to hold your peace or let go of your peace.Letting go of your peace will of cause,cause you to fall flat your back,and nobody wants to be in such a position if it is not beneficiary.That peace belongs to you.You own it,you are the holder of that type of peace.

How do a person obtain such a peace?

God Kind of Peace

Philippians 4 vs 7
This is God's peace that surpasses all understanding,will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord.
John 14 vs 27
"Peace I leave with you,My peace I give you,not as the world gives,give I unto you.Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it be afraid.
With God's peace embedded in you,whatever may threaten your peace,you have God to sustain the peace that He has put in your heart.
James 1 vs 19 - 20
So then,my beloved brethren,let every man be swift to hear,slow to speak,slow to wrath.for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
It is through wrath that peace is broken.Wrathfulness is therefore the main cause that peace is broken.We know,that if something is the cause of bad results,we need to remove the wrath of man,
What is the wrath of man?


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