Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Victory For Children Worldwide!

I received an alert from Sharon Slater, the president of Family Watch international indicating that the harmful agenda to advance “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” at the United Nations was defeated.
Sharon writes, "Western countries like the US and the UK attempted to impose their radical abortion and sexual rights agenda on developing nations."
However, direct references to “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” were deleted from the main 'Commission on the Status of Women'  (CSW) document called “Agreed Conclusions” as well as from the HIV/AIDS resolution.
Sharon says, “this is a major victory for children worldwide!” Thank you SA citizens for signing the letter to the UN. Your voice was heard on this issue.
FPI produced a TV program that exposes the dangerous "Comprehensive Sexuality Education" agenda at the UN. This program will be broadcast on “Watchmen on the Wall” on Tuesday 19 April at 7pm.
The “UN Family Rights Caucus” (UNFRC) is a critical voice for family values at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York. Family Policy Institute is a member of the UNFRC. I will be attending deliberations at the UN in September to lobby African member states on issues critical to the family.
Victories for the family at the UN are critical. Radical sexual rights activists work diligently to include language in UN documents to advance their global agenda.
Although most of the African nations oppose the radical abortion and sexual rights agenda at the UN, tragically, South Africa is the only African country that endorses and votes in favour of this wicked and perverse ideology.
That is why it is so critical that South African citizens make their voice heard at the United Nations. We must make the member states representatives aware that the SA delegate at the UN does not speak for the majority of citizens.
The UNFRC desperately needs the help of South African representatives. That’s why Arlene and I will join the "Family Rights Caucus" at the United Nations in New York in September to support the critical fight for the family.
Please be aware, sexual rights activists are lobbying hard to get "Comprehensive Sexuality Education" implemented in South African schools.  
We are currently completing the upgrades to our studios in Cape Town. The upgrades include the design and creation of two dedicated sets for the “Watchmen on the Wall” and “Salt & Light” television programs.
We also built a larger and better equipped sound studio for our radio programs and voice-over recordings and have reconfigured the TV studio so we can include a studio audience for the recordings of topical debates.
The first recording will focus on the topic of  prostitution. There is much deception being peddled in the liberal media on this vital issue.
You and I must remain steadfast in our commitment to publicly proclaim the truth. Because the Truth still has the power to make us free.
Errol Naidoo

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